A score of novel, intelligent and captivating contemporary novels by:

Alexander Travell

Ideal five star reading  for Winter, Summer, Christmas, Birthdays or any other days.

Consistently through out all of the stories I have written,  readers have made comments such as: “You had me.” “I couldn’t put it down.” and unerringly “The characters come to life off of the page, such that you feel you know each and every individual personally.” (or words to that effect)

From Africa to the Arctic and beyond I try to make every scenario as real as is possible, taking from life, and where they exist real places to set each scene. Each detective story, from pirates through spacemen (and women) draws upon real people and their motivations.

Here is a selection of titles available on the bookshelf page:

A Good Action Thriller

Crispin D’Or and the Ice Pirates

Target One

The Kerman Raids

The War

Murder on high with a dose of Sci-Fi

An Unusual Profession

A Law Unto Herself

A Pittsburgh Pirate

A Greater Game

An Accident Waiting

Ladies and Gents

An Afghan Affair

An African Assignation

Biggles Flies Undone

Harry and Sirenna

Air Taxi



Not for the first time, Teheran has become a problem. Their  next-gen drone technology could pose a threat, not merely to the region but potentially the world.

Before these weapon systems are exported into other hands, western intelligence is desperate to know their capabilities and failings.

But there is only one way to find out.

Inserting a deniable operations team into a hostile country in the middle of the night was never going to be a simple thing.

For those tasked with the job the question is, will such an operation be other than a suicide mission?

The KermanRaids is a grown-up intelligent thriller.

An absorbing, well written and attractive read. 

The compelling, action packed plot is well conceived, developed and sustained by a fascinating and original cast of characters who are brought to life through their credible motivations, actions and believable dialogue.  

The story is very well structured, building progressively and leaving the reader constantly hungry to continue reading and consistently on the edge of their seat.